New Student Information
New Students in SDPC
Your child is a new student if your child has never attended an SDPC school.
NOTE: If your child was registered in SDPC's 4K program, you do not need to register them as a new student. Please see returning student registration.
Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens in January 2025
5-Year-Old Kindergarten
Thank you for choosing the School District of Pickens County! We welcome you and want you to know we are committed to our mission of providing quality educational experiences that engage each student today to RISE to tomorrow’s potential. We look forward to serving you!
A child who is five years old on or before September 1 can register for five-year-old kindergarten.
Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens January 2025 . If you have completed any form prior to January 2025 it will be incomplete.
Requirements for New Student Enrollment
What are the requirements for enrolling my child in the School District of Pickens County for the first time?
To enroll in SDPC, a student must reside in Pickens County with his or her parent or legal guardian and provide the following three required documents:
A copy of the student's state-issued birth certificate must be provided to the school at the time of enrollment. Hospital birth reports are not acceptable. If necessary, duplicate birth certificates can be obtained from local county health departments or the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Vital Records and Public Health Statistics Division at 2600 Bull Street, Columbia, South Carolina, 29201 or from a similar agency in the state of the child's birth.
A valid South Carolina Certificate of Immunization must be presented for all students prior to their enrollment.
Proof of Pickens County residence – Acceptable proof is a current electricity, gas, water or cable/satellite bill in the parent/guardian’s name. The bill must show the service address. If a bill in the parent/guardian’s name is not available, an Affidavit of Residence is required. An affidavit can be done at the screening appointment.
A correct "911" address (proof of residence) MUST be provided at the time of enrollment. A post office box may be provided for mailing purposes only. A home address is required as well as a current home telephone number and daytime telephone numbers for emergency purposes. Parents are advised to notify the school immediately if their phone numbers change.
Schools may ask for a student's Social Security number. However, by federal law, schools cannot require that a Social Security number be provided.
For a student who is transferring from another school or school district, a transfer/withdrawal form and a copy of the student's last report card should be provided to the school at the time of enrollment. Official transcripts are requested by mail and sent directly to the school. A hand-carried copy will not constitute an official transcript.
In cases where a student's parents are divorced and/or legally separated, the court order granting custody must be presented to school personnel and issues addressed prior to enrollment. In addition, a step-parent is NOT to be listed on enrollment forms UNLESS he/she has legal responsibility for the student by an order of the court.
In the case of guardianship (not to be confused with parental custody), a copy of the court order establishing the guardianship must be approved by and filed at the school district's Office of Student Services, 1348 Griffin Mill Road, Easley, S.C. 29640. Enrollment will not be permitted until the appropriate guardianship has been established and the document is on file. No handwritten "consent" from a parent will be accepted – whether or not it is notarized. Guardianship for enrollment purposes must be granted by order of the court. It should be noted that by common law, the mother has sole and exclusive custody of a child born out of wedlock.
A state affidavit can only be used for enrollment in specific circumstances as set forth by state law. This affidavit must be executed before enrollment and notarized by an official in the district's Office of Student Services.